
Just Press Send Already

5:30 AMExposedCliché

We’re all guilty of it. We’ve all done it. We’ve sat there with a message we think is going to completely turn our lives upside down written in that small chat box. But we delete it, throw our phones on the bed, and tell ourselves “don’t be stupid.”

But why the f*ck do we do this? 

Listen to me ladies: ignorance is not bliss. 

Not knowing if he likes you back is not better then him actually not liking you back. Waiting for him to ask you on a date will just drive you insane and will not land you a date. 

Why are we so damned scared of rejection? 

It stings, I know. Blood rushes to your head, your stomach sinks, all you want to do is curl up into a ball and cry. You’re shaking as you read that stupid text over and over again. You question why you put yourself out there. You wonder why you were as stupid as to think someone like him would want to go out with someone like you

But guess what? Now you know. And as painful and hard as it might be you got your closure. Pick yourself up, allow yourself to grieve, and start again.

You might be thinking: “well yes, but that’s easier said then done.” I can tell you from personal experience I know how much it sucks, but I’ve gotten over it several times and, if anything, it’s made me who I am today, helped me build character and understand myself better, and made me a stronger person. 

And it just so happens that we so often assume that it’s not going to work out for us that we forget that sometimes, it just might. And for me, it has. 

And it has made every single rejection worth it. 

This doesn’t only go for dating. 

Try out for that team, what’s the worse that can happen? You don’t make team? You weren’t going to anyways if you hadn’t gone to that try-out.

Express your feelings. Let someone know they hurt you. Apologize and own up to your mistakes. And if you have to do it behind a screen at first, do it, but make sure you at least considered doing it in person. If it was too scary of a thought, allow yourself that comfort.

Most importantly know what you’re worth. Know that just because that one guy didn’t like you back, doesn’t mean something is wrong with you and you shouldn’t like yourself. Just because you weren’t fast enough to make it on that team, doesn’t mean you can’t work on it. Nothing in this life is final but death. 

It’s true. The only certainty we have in this life is that, at some point, we’re all going to die. 

So what are you so scared of? Life is too damn short and every emotion, good or bad, is worth feeling. Let yourself live life to the fullest and stop being just another cliché. 

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